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Many many thanks to everyone who attended our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and especially to the volunteers who made this fun and joyous event possible. The Illuminate youth raced from afterschool activities to welcome and gratefully serve all who came out to support them and the adult volunteers showed up in force, setting up the space, bringing food prepared at home, and cooking, cooking, cooking! Everyone deserves special thanks for the time, energy, good humor, and in some cases rapid problem-solving skills they brought to the evening (like Sara Nesbitt and Steve Hennessy who solved a scrambled egg situation on the fly and Kim Deslaurier who briefly became a firefighter), but Diane Snow gets the biggest shoutout for managing the clean-up operation so well that it genuinely looked like fun. Everyone is going to want to volunteer for clean-up next year!

If you missed all this fun, never fear, Shrove Tuesday comes every year - see you on Tuesday February 17, 2026!

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