Sacred Ground, an intensive curriculum offered by the Episcopal Church about race and racism, has been the focus of three small group studies at Church of the Servant. Click on the image for more information.
The Racial Equity Project at Church of the Servant is focused on racial justice and healing beginning with our parish and expanding into the wider community. This group was formed in response to the Vestry decision in 2022 to focus on racial justice. We understand that this essential work will be an ongoing mission throughout the life of our church. We agree we are called by God to embrace this work as directed in our Baptismal Covenant.
Our Vision:
A church in which members are actively seeking education and spiritual growth in matters pertaining to racial equity and discerning how and where this knowledge is utilized to best serve the needs of our community.
Our Mission:
To follow the Episcopal Church's Becoming Beloved Community directives whereby we commit to racial justice, healing, and reconciliation.
To achieve our mission, we will:
Educate ourselves using
Discern our role in racial equity work as a parish by studying the questions posed in the Becoming Beloved Community initiatives provided by the Episcopal Church leadership and simultaneously determining action plans.
Support changes in our parish to make our church a place where all feel welcome as they are. We will support our local Black community both financially and in ways that the community we strive to serve deems appropriate.
Racial Equity Project - Parish Group is focused on the inner spiritual work necessary to be true allies to our brothers and sisters of color. This group meets twice monthly and is open to new members. For more information contact Julie Potter
Racial Equity Project - Community Group is focused on finding activities and engaging with communities in our area that further the mission of racial equity while representing COS, leveraging the time and talents of the church and this group.
Community Events attended, sponsored or hosted on behalf of Racial Equity Project at COS in 2023:
If you have any questions regarding Racial Equity Project, please contact Rachel Williamson at
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COS was named “Church of the Year” at the New Hanover County NAACP’s MLK breakfast. This is not only an honor, but an on-going responsibility and commitment to this work in our community.
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm