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Adult Confirmation / Reception / Reaffirmation of Faith

Confirmation is the laying on of hands by an Episcopal Bishop during worship. Those confirmed in another Episcopal worshiping community may request to have their letter of membership transferred from the previous church (see Transfer). Those confirmed by a Bishop in another Christian denomination may be received by an Episcopal Bishop in a worship service. Those who have been confirmed or received in the Episcopal church, but have been away for some time, may want to reaffirm their faith in a worship service.

Church of the Servant periodically offers a class called The Episcopal Way, especially preceding a visit by our bishop. These classes are for any adult who wants to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, any confirmed Episcopalian who wishes to learn the basics of our faith tradition, and for anyone who simply wants to find out more about what we believe. The Episcopal Way content is organized around what is often called “the three-legged stool” of the Anglican church - Scripture, Tradition, and Reason – and also includes aspects of Episcopal Church governance. If you would like to know when the next Episcopal Way class will be offered, please provide your name to our Parish Administrator and you will be invited to our next offering.

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