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History of Church of the Servant

Church of the Servant held its first service at College Park Elementary School on November 5, 1972. The first Eucharist was held the next Sunday, November 12, celebrated by Rev. Clem Jordan. It was a simple affair with a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine and an infant congregation looking forward to the next 50 years.

The Autobiography of a Parish - The First Fifty Years of Church of the Servant

Mindful of Webster’s definition of an autobiography as a written account of a person’s life in their own words, this autobiography of the Parish of Church of the Servant is written by the people who lived it, namely the members of Church of the Servant.

As Rev. Jody encourages us to do in her “I'm In" introduction, let us put our hands together in thanksgiving for the people, the works and the gifts of this first fifty years of a parish whose people continue to do God’s work in the world.

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