These are the first words spoken by Jesus in John’s gospel, directed to a seeker named Andrew. We are all seekers, and while we may not know how to express what it is we’re looking for, we trust that we’ll know it when we see it.
At Church of the Servant, we seek, serve, and celebrate God and each other in a safe and accepting community. We welcome people from various backgrounds and ethnicities, those who are straight, LGBTQ, married, partnered, single, from other denominations and faith traditions, life-long Episcopalians, brand new to church or returning to church after a long absence.
What we have in common is the search for a deeper, more joyful, intentional life and a willingness to pursue that search in the context of the Episcopal Church.
We hope we can help you find the spiritual home you are looking for, but the only way to know for sure is captured in the next words Jesus shared with that curious seeker…
Come and see.
A quick glimpse...
• Church of the Servant was established in 1972 by a group of people seeking a spiritual community in a nontraditional parish.
• Our roots are in ancient liturgical tradition; our challenge is to apply the teachings of Christ to our own time.
• We believe that God gave us intelligence and spirituality; our creativity pushes us to reach deep into these gifts, always learning, always growing.
• Our worship space is round. It encourages us to be open, flexible and receiving.
• Our sanctuary floor is imprinted with a labyrinth patterned after one in Notre Dame Chartres Cathedral (France) created in the 13th century. It is used by individuals and groups throughout the community.
• We worship facing each other. We are reminded at each gathering that God loves each of us and each is important.
• Music is important to us. Our sanctuary space was designed to enhance its role in our worship.
Who we are…
• We are an inclusive group of people searching for spirituality and meaning in our lives.
• We honor people for who they are and where they are in their lives.
• We live our lives in thanksgiving for the love that God has bestowed on all creation, rather than live our lives in order to earn that love.
• We are a growing church filled with love and creativity.
• We work together, play together and search together.