A quiet but meaningful ministry is at work behind the scenes by sending thoughtful cards to parishioners. Messages of "Get well soon" and "Thinking of You" are sent to those in the hospital or at home recovering. Condolences are sent to parishioners who have lost a loved one. Prayerful, prayer-filled messages keep us connected.
Hurricane - Disaster Team
Parish Care’s Hurricane/Disaster (H/D) Team
is active during hurricane season, June-November. If a devastating hurricane with damaging winds is predicted and evacuation recommended, H/D volunteers take immediate action. They contact their assigned parishioners to learn who plans to evacuate and who plans to remain in their homes. After the hurricane has passed, a second contact is made to determine if these parishioners are safe or have had major damage and need assistance.
The Storm Sidekicks program is available for those folks who wish to caravan with others planning to evacuate. Information about pet friendly accommodations and their locations is available as well.
If you are new to Church of the Servant and wish to be contacted by the H/D Team, receive more information about the Storm Sidekicks or assist with clean up after a hurricane, notify the Parish Administrator at or 910-395-0616. Participation is strongly encouraged.
Your best plan is to be prepared well in advance of a storm and know where you will go in the event of an evacuation order. If you remain in your home, you should have enough water and food for family and pets and are prepared to be without power for 1-2 weeks. Following are links to two excellent hurricane/disaster resources.
“Feed my sheep….” John 21:17
There are occasions in our lives when help with a meal feels “heaven sent.”
Members of COS provide meals for parishioners who are struggling with an illness, hurting after a death in the family, celebrating a new birth, or just experiencing a time when life seems overwhelming. Keeping in mind food allergies and other special dietary needs, members prepare simple meals to help ease the stress of various events in the lives of members.
Prayer Group
The Prayer Group meets via Zoom once a week on Mondays to pray for parishioners and any other special needs.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a global organization that trains laypeople to provide one-to-one care to someone who is experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, or chronic or terminal illness. Stephen Ministry is confidential so that those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private. The Stephen Ministers are available to provide companionship to an individual for as long as that person needs their support. COS is fortunate to have several qualified Stephen Ministers who are trained in listening and providing support.
Members of the Church of the Servant (COS) Transportation Team provide rides to folks who are otherwise unable to get to doctor visits, special appointments or church events. This service only takes a few hours here and there and is on an “as-needed” basis, so the commitment is minimal but sincerely appreciated. The added bonus is getting to know fellow parishioners.