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Worship Roles

When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.” Each week, many volunteers serve to help make worship beautiful and meaningful for those in the congregation who could be seasoned Episcopalians or who may be attending for the first time. Some ministries require action “behind the scenes” while others are very visible. Read the following descriptions and if any call out to your unique gifts, contact the church office for more information:


Acolytes play important roles that carry ancient traditions into our worship time together. They are servers, torchbearers, banner bearers, crucifers (cross bearers) and lighters of candles, helping to set the tone while actively participating in celebration and worship.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild serves behind the scenes to adorn the altar and make ready the Holy Meal of the Eucharist. They care for vestments, linens, and vessels before and after worship, and though unseen, are an invaluable part of our worship.

Eucharistic Ministers

Laypersons who assist the clergy in administering the bread and wine of communion during the principal worship service on Sunday.

Eucharistic Visitors

Laypersons who take the bread and wine of communion to individuals who are unable to attend worship with us on Sunday.


How we love seeing the welcoming faces of our greeters as we enter the church. They pass out bulletins along with good cheer to visitors and parishioners alike and are a great resource for questions and suggestions. 

If you would like to sign up as a Greeter, go to the Signup Genius using this link.


Similar to Acolytes, Lectors actively participate in our worship bringing ancient practices to light. They read our scripture lessons and lead our Prayers of the People.

If you would like to sign up as a Lector, go to the Signup Genius using this link.

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