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We want you to feel comfortable coming to Church of the Servant for the first time! Whether you are attending your first ever Episcopal service or you “know the ropes,” every church is a little different. Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. And if you still have more questions, just ask! We’re a friendly bunch and were all first-timers once.

  • When are services?

    The primary weekly service is Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) which is celebrated on Sundays.

    8:00 am Holy Eucharist without music

    9:00 am Interactive Holy Eucharist

    11:15 am Holy Eucharist with music 

  • What do I do when I first arrive?

    If this is your first time to worship at Church of the Servant, we know it can feel overwhelming, especially when you may not know anyone or the traditions of a new church. Our goal is to help you feel at ease and when you first come in the door, the greeter will welcome you and help with any questions you may have.

    Please note that many at our church gather before and after the service in the narthex (area outside of the sanctuary), while some go into the church early to prepare their hearts and minds for worship. The ringing of the bell marks the beginning of the worship service.

  • What are regular services like?

    The Rector is the officiant at Sunday services, assisted by adult and youth lay-ministers. These include: Acolytes, Altar Guild, Choir, Eucharistic Visitors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Lectors who read Scripture and Prayers. Visit our Worship page to learn more.

    Our Worship services follow the Episcopal liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer and music from the 1982 Hymnal, Wonder, Love and Praise and Lift Every Voice and Sing II. Sunday worship includes Bible readings from the Revised Common Lectionary and prayers appointed for the day. From time-to-time materials from other sources (Taize, Celtic) are included.

    Special services occur throughout the year, as part of the liturgical calendar. Christmas and Easter particularly offer opportunities for glorious celebrations.

  • When do I sit, stand, and kneel?

    You will notice that some sit, some kneel, and some stand, and they may do so at different times. All generally stand (as physically able) when we sing, affirm our faith in the Nicene Creed, share the Peace (greeting one another as a sign of Christ’s love) and during the Gospel reading. During the prayers, some will stand while others will kneel. Please feel free to choose whichever is more natural for you. If you’re unsure, the bulletin will give you guidance.

  • What books do we use?

    In the kneeler under each chair you will find  a copy of the Episcopal Hymnal 1982 and Lift Every Voice and Sing II hymn book. The Book of Common Prayer guides our worship and helps us participate in corporate worship. A bulletin which helps you follow the order of worship will be handed to you at the door.

  • I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Will I be welcomed at Church of the Servant?

    As part of the Episcopal Church, we have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; and persons of any gender identity and sexual orientation can serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

  • What should I wear and are children welcome at the services?

    Church of the Servant offers a peaceful and relaxed worship environment. People are invited to wear whatever clothes they wish, from shorts to suits, you will see it all. Children are always welcome and encouraged to participate in the services. The 9:00 services may especially appeal to families with children and those who like a more informal worship style.

  • Where should I park?

    Once you turn onto our driveway (off Oriole Drive), the main entrance to the church is on your immediate right. There is a drop-off area at the circular driveway in front of the church and additional parking is available at the back. Greeters will welcome you at the red doors at the front of the building.

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