Serving on the Vestry - Rachel Williamson
I didn’t expect to enjoy being a Vestry member. I went on the Vestry skeptical, curious and a little frustrated. Erin and I had attended Church of the Servant for seventeen years when my Vestry term began in January of 2021. It was my turn to serve. I’d put it off for years with good reasons - my husband, Erin, had served on Vestry when our three children were young and it was hard. Our children have always been homeschooled with me as their primary teacher so I really didn’t have the time. Also, I served several hours a week as lead catechist with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at COS while also leading the Children Youth and Families (CYF) ministry. My reasons for avoiding Vestry were sound. Until now. In 2021 our kids were teenagers who managed their education mostly on their own, I was no longer the chair of CYF and I had stepped away from serving as a catechist. No more excuses. A good friend serving on Vestry asked me to join and I said yes. I wanted to know how our church worked behind the scenes and get some answers to a few questions about why some things were done the way they were. Also, COS wasn’t fulfilling me in ways that it had in the past. I feel that if something isn’t working the way that I feel it should, then it’s my responsibility to find out why and either fix it or fix my perspective.
I have now served on the COS Vestry for three years and it has been a fortifying experience. I feel more confident than ever in the work of our church. COS is strong and led by devoted folks. There have been challenges big and small which the Vestry, including Rev. Jody, have met with prayer, thoughtful consideration and a commitment to doing what we felt was best for Church of the Servant and the wider community. We do not always agree, but we do listen to each other. Serving on Vestry has been time consuming, sure, but it has also been a gift.
Never doubt that Church of the Servant is a Light in this world. I truly believe that our church and its members are doing their level best to be the people that God calls us to be. We are seen as a place of welcome, peace, justice-seekers and love in our community. We follow Jesus and the Vestry leads the way.
Rachel Williamson
December 27, 2023