Tips on Surviving a Pandemic with a Toddler - Paula West
Here are a few tips from the Savages on how to endure a pandemic with a toddler.
- Stock up on supplies—construction paper, glue sticks, markers (washable), crayons.
- Set up new weekly routine, now that the usual weekly story times are cancelled.
- Teach family members about Zoom, Portal, and Facebook video chats.
- Learn how to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays on video chats.
- Make sure you have good walking shoes—you will need them as you are pulling a wagon all day around the neighborhood, chasing the tricycle, walking and stopping every few steps to look at the flowers in the neighbors’ yards.
- Let toddler do tech support/troubleshoot as he has heard you explain it way too many times.
- Enjoy driveway to driveway chats with the neighbors—keeping with the 6-feet distancing.
- Figure out you have too many cookbooks you have not looked at in a while and let the toddler pick out recipes to try and help you prepare.
- Have fun teaching your toddler how to mix ingredients in the “big bowl”.
- Find safe place in kitchen to set up laptop/portal/phone to video chat with family/friends while cooking during the holidays because they live too far to safely travel during the pandemic.
- Continue to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays on video chats—trying not to get cake icing on the laptop as your toddler is “sharing with grandma and grandpa.”
- Prepare yourself for visits from the grandparents once they are vaccinated and able to come visit and bring “things that were too big to put in the mail.”
- Look forward to reconnecting with friends and family that you have not physically seen in over a year.
- Plan for holidays, birthday and anniversaries, with the hope that we will all be able to be together in person once more!